The average house price on THE OLD GATED ROAD is £1,015,647
The most expensive house in the street is OAK HOUSE THE OLD GATED ROAD with an estimated value of £1,296,777
The cheapest house in the street is HILLSIDE COTTAGE THE OLD GATED ROAD with an estimated value of £719,919
The house which was most recently sold was OAK HOUSE THE OLD GATED ROAD, this sold on 29 Apr 2022 for £1,250,000
The postcode for THE OLD GATED ROAD is CV33 9LD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HILLSIDE COTTAGE THE OLD GATED ROAD Detached £719,919 £250,000 14 Jun 2002
OAK HOUSE THE OLD GATED ROAD Detached £1,296,777 £1,250,000 29 Apr 2022
THE BEECHES THE OLD GATED ROAD Detached £990,286 £740,000 14 Sep 2016
THE HEDGEROWS THE OLD GATED ROAD Detached £1,055,608 £520,000 27 May 2004